
Data poisoning defence strategy classes following a logical hierarchy.



Abstractclass that the defenders use.

DefenderGroup(defender_list[, ...])

Class allowing the grouping of defenders through a input list containing defender objects.


A Distance_metric class for the feasibleset defender.

FeasibleSetDefender(initial_dataset_x, ...)

A FeasibleSetDefender class, inheriting from the OutlierDefender.

KNN_Defender(init_x, init_y, ...[, one_hot])

A KNN class, inheriting from the PointModifierDefender, that flips the labels of input points if the proportion of the most frequent label of nearest neighbours exceeds a threshold.


Abstractclass for defenders that use a strategy that needs access to the model.

OutlierDefender(initial_dataset_x, ...)

Abstractclass for defenders that use a outlier filtering strategy.


Abstractclass for defenders that use a strategy that modifies the input points.

SoftmaxDefender([threshold, delay, one_hot])

A SoftmaxDefender class, inheriting from the ModelDefender.